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About Us

At iPetBakery, we are more than just a pet bakery – we are pet lovers and culinary enthusiasts who believe that our furry companions deserve the very best. Our mission is simple: to create wholesome, delectable treats and cakes that not only delight pets but also bring joy to their owners.


Our Story

Founded by Happy Lai, iPetBakery is the result of a lifelong passion for pets and a love of baking. As a dedicated pet owner, Happy understands the importance of providing pets with the finest quality treats made from all-natural ingredients. This commitment to quality and a deep love for animals is what sets iPetBakery apart.

Our story
  • Quality Assurance: We prioritize the health and well-being of your pets. Our treats are made without artificial additives or preservatives.

  • Unique Creations: Our creative team is always coming up with new and exciting flavors and designs to keep your pets entertained and satisfied.

  • Pet-Friendly Service: We're not just a business; we're pet people too! Our friendly staff is always here to answer questions and provide recommendations.

  • Community Engagement: We love being part of the pet-loving community. Look out for our participation in local pet events and collaborations with pet-friendly establishments.

Why Us

紅薯 (Sweet Potato)

Sweet potatoes are one of the best dietary sources of vitamin A, which promotes healthy skin, coat, eyes, nerves, and muscles in dogs. Sweet potatoes are also a rich source of vitamins A, C, B6, potassium, calcium, and iron.
主營養素:碳水化合物/維生素 B1/維生素 C/維生素 E/鉀/膳食纖維
* 維生素C:強化免疫力,有助於皮膚和骨骼健康。
* 維生素E:和維生素C一起起到抗氧化作用。
* 膳食纖維:改善便秘,預防動脈硬化


雞肉 (Chicken)

Chicken has been known to possess many benefits for dogs, including increased muscle repair and helping promote bone health.

雞肉 (Chicken) 主營養素:蛋白質/脂質/維生素 A/維生素 B1/維生素 B2/鐵鋅 雞肉是典型的動物性蛋白質, 對狗狗很好的營養食材 1)必需氨基酸:尤其是蛋氨酸(甲硫氨酸),能夠預防脂肪肝。 2)維生素A:有助於維持皮膚和粘膜的健康 3) 膠原蛋白:防止皮膚老化,提高皮膚的彈性 4) 必需氨基酸和氨基葡萄糖:骨頭和關節健康



Carob is made from the bean pods of the carob tree; it is 100% natural and 100% healthy for dogs and gives them great health benefits. Carob is high in vitamin B2, calcium, magnesium, and iron. Carob are an alternative to chocolate.


Image by Nikolai Chernichenko

乳製品 (Dairy products)

Cheese contains protein, calcium, vitamin A, essential fatty acids, and B-complex vitamins. Yogurt is a good source of protein, calcium, and probiotics, all of which boost your dog's immune system and help them get over an upset stomach. 

主營養素:蛋白質/維生素 A/維生素 B1/維生素 B2/維生素 B6/鐘/鈣

* 芝士和酸奶雖然形態不一樣,但原料都是牛奶製作的,因此鈣含量比較高;牛奶或山羊奶發酵製作的芝士,其鈣和蛋白質含量比牛奶更高,消化吸收率也更高。因為大多數狗狗是乳糖不耐症,需選擇無乳糖牛奶。選擇芝士的時候最好是選擇熟成時間長、乳糖含量低的芝士


紅蘿蔔 (Carrot)

Carrots are rich in Vitamin A, which supports eye health, boosts the immune system, and makes your pet's skin and coat healthier.

主營養素:維生素 A維生素 B1/維生素 B2/維生素 C/鉀/鐵/鈣/膳食纖維


* 胡蘿蔔素:轉化為適量的維生素 A,剩餘的堆積後做到抗癌、抗老作用。

* 維生素A:維持皮膚和粘膜的健康,抵抗病原體的侵入

* 鉀:排出體內堆積的過多鹽分,預防高血壓

Seasonal Pumpkins

南瓜 (Pumpkin)

Pumpkin is packed with nutrients your dog needs. It’s a great source of Vitamins A, E, and C, which are important for the immune system, brain function, eyes, and skin health.

主營養素:維生素 A/維生素 B1/維生素 B2/維生素 B6/維生素 C/維生素E/膳食
* B-胡蘿蔔素:轉化為適量的維生素 A,剩餘的堆積後做到抗癌、抗老作用。
* 維生素 B1;糖的代謝作用。
* 維生素C:和B-胡蘿蔔素一起阻礙抗癌物質的合成。
* 維生素E:強烈的抗氧化作用。
* 膳食纖維:促進致癌物質的排出。
* 南瓜中含有多種可以保護皮膚和粘膜的成分,不僅對皮膚病有效,還可以提高免疫力。南瓜雖然發甜,但可以有效的預防糖尿病。


豆腐 (Tofu)

Tofu is an excellent source of vegan protein for pups: each 100g serving contains at least 8 grams of protein. Dogs need a lot of protein in their diet to keep their muscles and joints healthy, especially as they age.


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牛肝(Beef Liver)

Beef liver is rich in iron, vitamin A, B and D, folic acid, phosphorus, essential fatty acids, zinc, and copper. These nutrients protect and support the dog's digestion, immune system, reproductive organs, as well as bone, joint, nerve and mental health.


Red Pepper

彩椒 (Peppers)

Bell peppers, in particular, are a good source of nutrients, being rich in carotenoids, antioxidants, Vitamins A, C and E, many of them essential if you want your dog to maintain a healthy diet. Red bell peppers are surprisingly very healthy for dogs. They are full of vitamin A, C, & E, and have tons of antioxidants. They are wonderful for your dog's immune system. 


Feeding Tips

Snack and Desert 鮮食與蛋糕:

  1. Temperature Consideration: Allow the snacks and desserts to reach room temperature for at least 60 minutes before feeding to prevent chilling the gastrointestinal system. 在喂食前,请将零食和甜点放置在室温下至少60分钟,以避免刺激肠胃

  2. Storage: Snack and dessert items can be kept in the fridge for up to 3 days and in the freezer for up to 14 days.存储: 零食和甜点可以在冰箱中保存3天,在冷藏保存14天。

Dry Treats 風乾零食:

  1. Preservation of Freshness: Upon receiving dry treats, place them in a dark and cool place to preserve dryness. 在收到零食后,将其放置在阴凉处以保持干爽

  2. Sunlight Exposure: Avoid exposing the dry treats to direct sunlight, as it can affect the quality of the product. 避免将零食暴露在直射阳光下,因为这会影响产品的质量。

  3. Validity Check: Before feeding, check whether the product is within its validity period. 在喂食前,请检查产品是否在有效期内。

  4. Mold or Unpleasant Smell: Do not feed the dry treats if they show signs of mold or if they have an unpleasant smell.如果零食出现发霉迹象或有不正常的气味,请勿喂食。

These instructions provide guidance on how to handle and store different types of treats to ensure the well-being of the pets and maintain the quality of the products. 请参考说明处理和储存不同类型零食,以确保宠物的健康,并保持产品的质量。

Customer Feedback

Janice gian

“ Highly recommend anyone who wants to get a cake for their dogs! My dog absolutely loved it. I loved it more hahaha
The cake is aesthetic & healthy. Will definitely order again every year from now on ☺️☺️ if anyone buys one just remember to take out the toothpicks from the decorations!:)

Thanks Happy! ” 


" Ordered a cake from ipetbakery for my maltipoo’s birthday. There were lots of different flavours of cake to choose from, I picked sweet potato for our girl. The cake looked amazing and she loved it! Would recommend! "
Luna cheesecake.png

Cheneay Milne

" ipet was absolutely amazing I msg with only 1 days notices and she was amazing in all aspects, my dogs absolutely loved the cake she made. Highly recommend and will be a returning customer. Again thank you so much. "

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Visit Us in Brisbane:
36 Ascent Street Rochedale QLD 4123 ( SMS to make appointment) 

ABN: 95 6384 27693   |   +614 2500 2864   | 

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